For your air conditioner to function properly, it has to be serviced regularly and properly. Maintenance of air conditioners involves checking the fan belts, checking the Freon level, checking the thermostat, checking the amperage draw, calibrating the thermostat, checking the hot water tank, checking final AC temperatures, checking electrical connections, checking low and high pressure, and checking the start unit and the Oil motor. It is also important to regularly inspect the furnace blower and the furnace filters, and remove all debris from the unit. Clearly, servicing an air conditioner is certainly too technical for most people. It is, therefore imperative that you consult experts such as Tavano Mechanical Systems to keep your air conditioner in good condition. Discussed below are reasons you need professional help to service your air conditioner.

  • Save Energy and Money

    To operate at an optimum level, an air conditioner has to be in a perfect condition. At the optimum level of performance, an air conditioner will require the minimum possible amount of energy. But for your air conditioner to function perfectly, it has to be serviced regularly and appropriately by experts. Thus, regular maintenance of your air conditioner will help you reduce your energy consumption, and that will certainly have a significant impact on your utility bills.

  • Prevent Breakdown and Improve Lifespan

    Having your air conditioner properly maintained by us will tremendously reduce the chances of breakdown and improve its lifespan. This will, therefore, eliminate the fears of inconveniences that come when air conditioners fail unexpectedly. It will also reduce your expenditure on repairs and replacement.

  • Improved Comfort

    A well-maintained air conditioner will perform flawlessly in its function of removing excess moisture and heat from the air. Dust can cause your air conditioner to underperform. Regular servicing will ensure that there is no accumulation of dust and will enable you to get maximum comfort from your air conditioner.

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